Sunday, October 30, 2011

Laughing Greyhound: The Weekly Shop

Laughing Greyhound: The Weekly Shop: The Weekly Shop We shopped with a calculator it was a solo mother thing my daughter told me yesterday it embarrassed her but now everyone i...

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Weekly Shop

The Weekly Shop

We shopped with a calculator
it was a solo mother thing
my daughter told me yesterday
it embarrassed her but now
everyone is doing it
she said for some people
dentistry equals pulling teeth at home
a visit to A&E for stitches.

In front of me a woman in a charcoal suit
tells the checkout guy
she supports the Wall Street sit in

I pledged money

she has plain pack flour
eggs, sugar, a packet
of lettuce seeds
one bottle of wine
she almost puts back.

At Caltex a woman with a sleeping baby
in the backseat hasn’t read about Goldman Sachs
tech stocks, false inflation she just looks
pissed off as she pays for petrol.

At the fruit stall we talk about
the Gorge road slip, Ballance cafe
going bust without through traffic
and men favouring National
a woman with a sack of potatoes says

they need to do the weekly shop

get a dose of reality
places coins on the counter
she’s backing Labour.